POTENCY : Protect Ourself and Bring Justice for Them, Do You?

Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks cells that help the body fight infection, HIV can lead to Acquired immune deficiency also known as AIDS. According to the United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2018 in Indonesia, the mortality rate caused by AIDS has increased 60% since 2010, from 24.000 deaths to 38.000. But, the amount of new infections of HIV decreased from 63.000 to 46.000 at the same period (UNAIDS, 2018).  

Indonesia is in the 5th rank with the highest risks of HIV/AIDS in Asia (Ministry of Health, 2013). This is due to the lack of knowledge of HIV/AIDS. According to the Ministry of Health 2019, Since it was first reported in Indonesia in 1987 until March 2019, HIV AIDS cases that have been reported are 461 (89.7%) from 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia. This data shows that HIV AIDS cases tend to be widespread in Indonesia. The latest data, as of March 2019, the cumulative number of HIV cases reported was 338,363, which is 58.7% of the estimated 640.443 PLWHA in 2016. Currently there are 5 provinces with the highest number of HIV cases, namely DKI Jakarta (60.501 cases) followed by East Java (50.060 cases), West Java (35.529 cases), Papua (33.485 cases) and Central Java (29.048 cases). from 2005 to 2019 was relatively stable every year. The cumulative number of AIDS from 1987 to March 2019 was 115,601 people. Meanwhile, currently there are 5 provinces with the highest number of AIDS, namely Papua (22.544 people), East Java (20.113 people), Central Java (10.548 people), DKI Jakarta (10.116 people) and Bali (8.147 people).

Based on this background, SCORA CIMSA FK YARSI will hold an event that discusses the topic about people with HIV, in Indonesia known as ODHIV. This topic was chosen to increase public understanding of HIV AIDS and to encourage active participation of the wider community in efforts to prevent HIV transmission and encourage efforts to understand the importance of knowing one’s HIV status by carrying out an HIV test and the importance of ARV treatment. “With the increased understanding of this matter, it is hoped that people’s views on HIV AIDS can change so that there is no longer any stigma and discrimination against people with HIV,” said dr. Wiendra Waworuntu, M.Kes

Sources : 

Aldian MJ, et al. 2019. Module Of HIV and Other STIs. SCORA CIMSA Indonesia.

Menaldi SL, Bramono K, Indriatmi W, editors. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit FKUI; 2016.

Tangerang District AIDS Commission. Get to know the terms in HIV prevention [Internet]. http://p2p.kemkes.go.id/kemenkes-pecahkan-rekor-muri-red-ribbon-hari-aids-sedunia/

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